
Although homeland is thousands of miles away, where there is love, there is home. We have gone through an extraordinary 2020, on the occasion of the 2021 Year of the Ox (according to the Chinese zodiac), the whole university sent warm care to the international students who stayed on campus. ZUFE teachers and students celebrated the New Year’s Eve together and had a fancy meal. Zhong Xiaomin, President of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, chatted with the international students both in English and French, and extended the most sincere New Year greetings and blessings to the international students domestic and overseas.

The Rear Service Center also carefully prepared dumpling-making activities. The leaders and the international students from ZUFE made dumplings together, exchanging sentiments of the relationship between teachers and students. There is a New Year’s song kept ringing in our ears, which is the favorite of Candis, a student from Uzbekistan, "Wish you great fortune! May you be wonderful!"

“天对地,雨对风,大路对长空,山花对海树,赤日对苍穹,……”, 2月10日上午,威廉希尔组织在校职工在文华书院齐诵《笠翁对韵》,共贺中华民族传统的新春佳节。职工们欢欢喜喜齐聚一堂,体验春节传统文化,职工们个个展示自己的绝活,写书法,剪窗花,作年画,制灯笼,包饺子,贴春联
On the morning of February 10th, international students from Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics recited "The Rhyme of Li Weng" at Wenhua Academy to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The international students gathered together with joy to experience the traditional Chinese New Year culture. All the international students showed their unique skills, such as calligraphy, paper cutting, drawing New Year pictures, making lanterns, making dumplings and sticking Spring Festival couplets.

The whole event was transmitted live on DingTalk. Zhao Qian, the assistant to the Dean of the School of International Education & studies, became the anchor, fluently switching between Chinese and English and broadcasting live to overseas students. At the Wenhua Academy, the students were immersed in the various activities.

来自俄罗斯的2020级英语翻译专业研究生Arina说,“我非常高兴,因为今年我留在中国能体验中国的春节。老师们给我们准备了很多活动。今天我们贴对联,做灯笼,画画,认识十二生肖等等,还跟老师和同学们一起包饺子,吃了顿丰盛的年夜饭, 我一点都不感到孤单。”
Arina, a postgraduate student of 2020 English translation from Russia, said, “I am very happy because I can experience Chinese New Year in China this year. The teachers have prepared many activities for us. Today we posted couplets, made lanterns, painted pictures, and learned Chinese zodiac signs and so on. I also made dumplings with my teachers and classmates and had a great New Year’s Eve dinner. I don’t feel lonely at all.”

The live broadcast room was bustling with new year’s wishes and some students felt a pity, "It's so interesting, but I am not in China", "This is really a lively gathering, and the craftsmanship is very beautiful." The students kept sending out comments, experiencing the taste of Chinese New Year on the other side of the screen.