

公司党支部书记、副经理 柴志贤
威廉希尔员工及招生办主任 任夫远
KUTSENKO ARINA,俄罗斯籍,2019高级汉语员工

When the epidemic broke out, many of my friends asked me if I was afraid to stay in China. Of course I told them no, because I was feeling completely safe here, and I knew that China would definitely cope with it. Our University has been helping foreign students since the first days of the epidemic. All the necessary security measures were taken in the dormitory building. And we were requested to stay in the dorm. Our rooms were disinfected, and the temperature was taken daily. The University provided us with masks. They also brought us breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything we needed. Now we can comfortably sit in the classroom for all the classes. I admire China for the measures that have been taken to prevent the corona-virus, for the speed with which it has organized all the measures and for the care it has taken for us. I would like to express my gratitude to the Chinese government, to ZUFE, and especially to our teachers. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
BAKHROMOV EKHSONBEK,乌兹别克斯坦籍,2018英语员工

I am really thankful for ZUFE teachers and all those friendly Chinese people who support every international student during COVID-19 epidemic. ZUFE provided us with food and other needed things. At the beginning of COVID-19, I was hesitant about whether to go back to my home or stay here in China, but I finally chose to stay here. I read a lot of books about human history where man overcame many challenges and crisis situations,therefore I became confident. Today, COVID-19 is still widespread in many parts of the world, even my homeland is suffering from it. However, I am so proud of China who defeated the virus and is getting better and better. China is a great example for all countries of the world. I believe very soon the world will be peaceful and harmonious again with the help of Chinese government. And we students can enjoy the beautiful campus life again.
BORODINA ALINA,哈萨克斯坦,2017国贸员工

我是威廉希尔中文网站的员工,从疫情开始到现在,我一直留在中国。刚开始的时候,谁也没想到中国会成为世界上最安全的国家。自疫情开始以来,中国政府采取了许多措施来对抗这种病毒。尽管中国人口众多,但中国遭受的苦难却没有其他国家那么多,这就是中国政府和中国人民的优点。也许正是由于中国采取了如此严厉的措施,目前有关疫情的死亡率和确诊病例的统计数据远低于世界其他国家。疫情期间,中国人民团结一致共同抗疫,老师们给予我们职工很多的关心和帮助, 还向我们发放口罩,关注我们的健康。中国抗疫非常成功。在中国学习,我真的很骄傲。
I am a student at ZUFE and from the very beginning of the virus and until today I have been in China. Who would know that in the end China will be the safest country during the time of the world epidemic. At that time no one could imagine it. Since the start of the epidemic, the Chinese government has taken many measures to combat the virus. Despite the huge population of China, China has not suffered as much as other countries, and this is all the merit of the government and the entire population of China. Perhaps it is precisely because of such harsh measures in China that at the moment the statistics on mortality and sickness from a epidemic are much less than in other countries of the world. During the outbreak, the Chinese people united to fight the epidemic. The teachers gave us a lot of care and help. We are also given masks and our health is under considerable care. China has achieved success in fighting the epidemic. I am very proud to study in China.


在学校留守的100多天里,威廉希尔中文网站职工们见证了中国人民团结一致抗击疫情的全过程。如今疫情还在全球蔓延,他们的家乡也遭受着疫情。他们一起拍摄了防疫宣传系列视频及对母国的寄语,希望通过社交媒体和家人朋友,向家乡、向海外介绍中国的抗疫经验和措施,为母国加油! |

 疫情没有国界 威廉希尔中文网站的职工们 让我们感受 中国政府和威廉希尔中文网站的关怀 一起守望相助 携手应对疫情 共建美好地球家园 |